
FG-21 Gas Engine

FG-21 Gas Engine

Item Qualifies for Free Ground Freight (48 States) on Orders Over $125

FG-21 1.26 Gas Engine w/ Muffler

  • Gasoline engine lowers operating costs as much as 90%
  • Latest carb technology makes for easier tuning and operating
  • 21cc displacement in a 17cc case
  • New valve seat design
  • New, smaller magnetic ignition system fits into tighter cowl installations

There are a lot of advantages to going with gas, like cleaner operation and cheaper fuel. But Saito 4-stroke gas engines give modelers more; namely some of the most impressive power-to-weight ratios in their class. The new FG-21 is no exception. Based on the groundbreaking Saito FG-20, it packs 21cc’s of power into a 17cc case. Accompanying the extra displacement is the latest carb technology, updated exhaust valve seats and, of course, the sweet 4-stroke sound Saito engines are famous for.

Displacement Bore/Stroke Muffler
1.26 cu in (20.52cc) 32mm / 26mm Included
RPM Engine Weight Recommended Propeller Sizes
2,000-9,500 31.2 oz 2 Blade: 15x8 - 16x8
3 Blade: 14x9 - 15x7
1.26 cu in (20.52cc)32mm / 26mmIncluded
RPMEngine WeightRecommended Propeller Sizes
2,000-9,50031.2 oz2 Blade: 15x8 - 16x8
3 Blade: 14x9 - 15x7