Aircraft / Avionics Orders: 800.447.3408 Radio Control Orders: 877.219.4489
The RCA2610 now has a standard display that includes a Digital Slip Indicator and Rate of Turn Indicator. The three-inch RCA2610-3 also comes with an optional Internal Battery Backup. All models come with an NVIS Night Vision Filter option. The Pitch Sync feature allows pilots to instantly synchronize the airplane symbol to the horizon line when flying in a pitch up or pitch down attitude.
The RCA2610 is the updated version of the popular RCA2600 Electric Digital Attitude Indicator. The new version has the same form, fit, and function of the original but has dual processors, an improved screen and updated software. The optional Pitch Sync feature allows pilots to instantly synchronize the airplane symbol to the horizon line when flying in a pitch up or pitch down attitude.
With the Pitch Sync feature, pilots can instantly synchronize the airplane symbol to the horizon line when flying in a pitch up or pitch down attitude. The 3-inch RCA2610-3 and the 2-inch RCA2610-2 models are FAA and EASA Certified and are designed as a direct replacement for any Electric Attitude Gyro.
The RCA2610 has the look and feel of a traditional gyro without the clutter of additional data on the screen. You will like the “gyro-like” responsiveness in pitch and roll that other digital Attitude Indicators just can’t match. The RCA2610 is designed to handle the high vibration environment found on helicopters and yet, their light weight makes them perfect for soaring. This makes the RCA2610 the most versatile and dependable Digital AI on the market today. With no moving parts to wear out, this instrument will provide years of reliable service - that’s why RC Allen includes a full two-year warranty!
Both RCA2610 models can be ordered with an optional slip indicator (inclinometer) which satisfies FAA AC 91-75 for even greater versatility.