Pilot Communications USA

BluLink Wireless Bluetooth Adapter

BluLink Wireless Bluetooth Adapter

+ $9.00
Item Qualifies for Free Ground Freight (48 States) on Orders Over $325

BluLink Wireless Bluetooth Adapter

BluLink enables you to use your Bluetooth cell phone and any music source wirelessly in the cockpit. You can use your existing general aviation, helicopter or BOSE® panel mount aviation headset with BluLink. No more tucking your cell phone under your headset or using cell phone adapters with various cords and additional adapters. The BluLink will work with any cell phone with Bluetooth. Great for filing a flight plan, checking weather, calling for fuel, getting a clearance at an uncontrolled field, calling for a taxi. Primary communications for experimental and ultralight pilots.

Apple iPhone users can now download iOS 4.2 software update to enable full AVRCP Remote controls on BluLink!!

Model Differences:

  • For GA Headsets: Works for general aviation headsets equipped with standard dual plugs
  • For Helicopter Headsets: Works for helicopter headsets equipped with the U-174 single plug
  • For Lemo Headsets: Works for panel powered headsets equipped with the Bose style single plug