MGL Avionics

SP-7 Attitude (Horizon) sensor, Experimental

SP-7 Attitude (Horizon) sensor, Experimental

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SP-7 Attitude (Horizon) sensor

The following AHRS sensors can be connected to the Enigma/Voyager/Odyssey/XTreme. They are connected to the Airtalk input in the rear of the EFIS display. If both sensors are used, you simply tie the signal lines from each sender together and connect to EFIS. Made by MGL Avionics, these are some of the smallest aviation AHRS sensors available today.

The SP-7 AHRS is MGL Avionics's seventh generation AHRS system (attitude sensor) for use with all MGL Avionics products that display attitude. The core building blocks of the system includes a three axis ST MEMS rate gyroscope, a three axis ST MEMS accelerometer and an ARM Cortex 32-bit microprocessor system. The SP-7 will allow the display of attitude (horizon), G-force, turn rate, and slip/skid on MGL Avionics products that allow these features.

What information can be displayed on the EFIS: Attitude, Slip and skid, G-Force

Size: Approx 3.5” x 3.5”
Weight: 175g with connector (6 oz)
Power consumption: 50mA / 120mA (heater on)
Degrees per second: 250 deg/sec typical