CorrosionX Aviation
CRS 80103

Corrosion X Aviation 16oz Trigger

Corrosion X Aviation 16oz Trigger

Item Qualifies for Free Ground Freight (48 States) on Orders Over $325

Corrosion X Aviation 16oz Trigger

  • Treatment for the entire airframe to stop/prevent corrosion (widely used by the military for this purpose).
  • Multi-functional product that is an exceptional lubricant for rod ends, hinges, locks, and closure mechanisms.
  • Excellent penetrant to break loose rusted/corroded components (exhaust studs, inspection plate screws, etc.).
CorrosionX Aviation takes corrosion control to a higher level. Featuring the latest advances in Fluid Thin Film Coating (FTFC) Technology, it is specially designed to displace moisture, stop corrosion instantly, and provide long-lasting protection. Also excellent for marine and boating applications, CorrosionX Aviation works especially well on aluminum because it protects longer but will not leave a tangible film. Made in the USA, CorrosionX Aviation is qualified under Mil-C-81309E, Type II, for application to airframes and is used extensively by the military. Reports indicate that the U.S. Army at Ft. Drum, NY, realized a million savings in refurbishment of aircraft that were treated with CorrosionX prior to deployment to Somalia. This is also confirmed by a July 31, 1997, article in Army Aviation. Similar findings were reported for helicopters used in Haiti.