Bendix King
BK 8000-150

xCruze 110 Autopilot Indicator Only, for Experimental Aircraft

xCruze 110 Autopilot Indicator Only, for Experimental Aircraft

For Experimental Use Only
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xCruze 110 Autopilot Indicator Only, for Experimental Aircraft, From Bendix-King

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  • Airspeed Indicator
  • Altimeter
  • Bank Angle Display
  • Vertical Speed Display
  • Track DG
  • Slip / Skid Indicator
  • Standard Rate Turn Indicator
  • Low Airspeed Warning
  • Built-in Ground Track DG
  • Track Select Mode
  • GPS Nav Mode
  • GPS Steering Mode
  • Altitude Hold
  • VS Select Mode
  • Altitude Pre-Select
  • Altitude Select
  • Vertical GPS Steering Mode
  • Control Wheel Steering
  • Pitch Trim Annunciation
  • Automatic Pitch Trim
  • Emergency AP Level Mode
  • Interfaces with Garmin G3X and G3X Touch, AFS 5000 Series, GRT HX/HXr

The xCruze 110 is one of the best stand-alone autopilots that we have ever created. The xCruze 110 takes our already simple and intuitive user interfaces and takes it a step further by adding a new industry standard joystick, allowing a clean look without becoming too convoluted.

The xCruze 110 autopilot was created with both, the VFR and IFR pilot in mind. The new emergency level mode was designed primarily for the VFR pilot that inadvertently finds himself in IMC. The operation of the altitude select and altitude preselect modes were designed to be extremely useable and useful in IFR flight, even to the extent that an altitude select can be entered and the vertical speed is easily adjusted to any desired value. This feature is extremely useful when initiating approaches or during step down approaches.

The main display of the xCruze 110 autopilot contains a PFD flight instrument. This consists of an attitude indicator, airspeed indicator, altimeter, VSI, slip/skid indicator, bank angle indicator, turn rate indicator, and a track slaved DG.

Complete system is offered at a low cost, with the choice of three form-factor variations: 2" round 3" round Flat pack.

Emergency autopilot level button helps to bring the aircraft to a wings-level position. Connects to either hand-held GPS or IFR panel mount GPS systems. When connected to hand-held GPS, follows programmed flight plans When connected to panel mount GPS, autopilot follows roll steering commands to fly complex flight plans Similar to lane assist in automobiles, the AEP stand-by mode monitors aircraft bank angle. Autopilot corrects the bank angles greater than 45 degrees by automatic roll command.

Interfaces with most commonly used experimental EFIS like xVue Touch, Dynon Skyview, Garmin G3X and G3X Touch, AFS 5000 Series, GRT HX/HXr.

  • Systems include 2 standard servos
  • Fits standard 3.125" cut-out
  • 12-28 Volts
  • 3.4"W x 3.4"H x 1"D
  • Weighs 8 oz